Bet On A Turtle Racing Game?!!

From a very young age, I have heard about all kind of racing games like cars, bikes, horses all the way up to dogs; on which people bet! But have you ever heard about betting on a turtle racing? If not, then let me show you where you can!

Bet On A Turtle Racing Game?!!

In this project, we have hands on practice of the an object state and multiple instances. The objective of the project is to create a game where 6 different colored turtles will race against each other. But before the race begins, an user can bet on which of the 6 turtle will win. Based on the winner, at the end of the race, the user will get to know whether he/she is a winner or not.
Initially I've set up the color base with a list of colors and take user input to place a bet on a certain colored turtle.

  # Color base
  colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "maroon", "orange"]

  # While loop terminator
  race_end = False

  # User input for placing a bet
  user_bet = screen.textinput(title="Make your bet", prompt="Who will win the race? 
  Pick up a color from 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'maroon', 'orange': ")

The while loop terminator is initiated at the beginning of the program so that it prevents our while loop to not start before the user is still deciding on what to bet on.

Bet On A Turtle Racing Game?!!

After taking the user input, I've set an if..else statement just to check whether the user's bet is a valid color from our list or not. If it's not valid, the program will exit and let the user know that it's not a valid color from our colored turtles.
But if the user bets on a color from our color base, the race will begin. For that, at first I've generated 6 turtle objects with different color from our color base and appended the turtle objects in a list. After that, I've used the hideturtle() method to hide the initially created turtle object. Then I've set the position of each turtle at the beginning of race line using the turtle graphic's built in method goto().

  # Check whether user bet is present in the colors list. If it's not, the program will terminate, otherwise
  # the game will run till the end of the race.
  if user_bet not in colors:
      print("You've entered a wrong color, the race couldn't happen.")
      # Generate turtle objects
      turtle_number = []
      for color in colors:
          new_turtle = tim.clone()

      # Hide initial turtle

      # Set up the turtles at starting position
      y_cor = -125
      for each_turtle in range(len(turtle_number)):
          turtle_number[each_turtle].goto(-240, y_cor)
          y_cor += 50

And finally a while loop to set on the racing. With the help of python's random module, I've set the pace of each turtle binding them inside a for loop.
After the first turtle that crosses the right edge of the screen, the race ends, and the user can see the result of his/her bet on the result prompt. Here's the code snippet of the whole project -

  import turtle
  from turtle import Turtle as t, Screen as sc
  import random

  # Create necessary objects
  tim = t(shape="turtle")
  screen = sc()
  screen.setup(width=500, height=400)

  # Color base
  colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "maroon", "orange"]

  # While loop terminator
  race_end = False

  # User input for placing a bet
  user_bet = screen.textinput(title="Make your bet", prompt="Who will win the race? Pick up a color from "
                                                            "'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'maroon', 'orange': ")

  # Check whether user bet is present in the colors list. If it's not, the program will terminate, otherwise
  # the game will run till the end of the race.
  if user_bet not in colors:
      print("You've entered a wrong color, the race couldn't happen.")
      # Generate turtle objects
      turtle_number = []
      for color in colors:
          new_turtle = tim.clone()

      # Hide initial turtle

      # Set up the turtles at starting position
      y_cor = -125
      for each_turtle in range(len(turtle_number)):
          turtle_number[each_turtle].goto(-240, y_cor)
          y_cor += 50

      # Begin the race
      while not race_end:
          for turtle in turtle_number:
              if turtle.xcor() < 230:
                  next_position = random.randint(0, 10)
                  # Terminate the race and show result to the user
                  race_end = True
                  if turtle.fillcolor() == user_bet:
                      print(f"You've won! The {turtle.fillcolor()} turtle is the winner.")
                      print(f"You've lost! The {turtle.fillcolor()} turtle is the winner.")

      # Close the screen

The full project can be accessed via my github repository. With this and more, I'll post tomorrow again in sha Allah about some new topic that I'll learn from the course.