Turtle Graphic - Meet Mr. Amzing Turtle!

Human mind thrives to fill their eyes. Whenever, we see something beautiful, we tend to freeze the moment for our eyes. And Turtle graphics is how programming meets the eyes of a newbie python programmer.

Turtle Graphic - Meet Mr. Amzing Turtle!

Amid all these colorless python codes and projects, though we have built some amzing projects, the color was missing. It was all just blocks of codes which creates an output that we desire.
But today was different. And today, we met Mr. Turtle of the built in python library. FINALLY SOME COLORS!
As I have started blogging from day 15 of the course, but I actually faced a similar kind of object back when the course was teaching us functions. It was the Reeborg's world.
But turtle graphics is way more fun. In today's section, there were challenges in several steps to adapt with the flow. 1st challenge was to draw a simple square (this was just the warmup) and gradually we created dashed line, different shapes, random walk etc etc...


Then we took part in a bit difficult exercise which was to draw a spirograph.

The final task of this section is to create a Hirst Spot Painting
With that project and more, I'll post tomorrow again in sha Allah and will share my thoughts with you.